Watch and read these beautiful soul's experiences of their healing journey's through the Akashic Records and the Journey Within The Soul Program <3
Journey Within The Soul Testimonials

Journey Within the Soul 9 Month Program
Hi, my name is Katie and I did the 6-month Journey Within the Soul program with Kerrie.
When I first met Kerrie my mind had only recently opened to the possibility that there was a world beyond this 3D world that we live in. I’d done some healing work and knew there were wonderful benefits, but didn’t really understand any of it properly. I was feeling curious, excited, eager to learn and wanting to take my experience and understanding to the next level, and then Kerrie’s ad for the Journey Within the Soul program came up on my Facebook feed.. divine timing of course! It promised so much that I didn’t yet understand (umm… what on earth is a soul belief reading?) and so much that sounded fun - hypnotherapy, angels, astrology, numerology, mediumship, light language.. who could resist?
I loved Kerrie’s vibe from the minute I first met her on zoom. She was bubbly, smiley, vibrant, young-hearted, fun… yet I knew that she knew things, wisdom beyond my comprehension. I decided to put all my faith in her and see what magic and healing would happen.
My favourite part of the program was definitely the hypnotherapy and all the healing and profound learnings that came as a result. I’d not done hypnotherapy at all prior to working with Kerrie and I found out that it wasn’t difficult for me to sink right into it. I think I liked it so much because it felt like the opposite of my ordinary working-mum-life, where I’m always planned-ahead, organised, on the go and in the driver’s seat. With each hypnotherapy session I never knew what was coming or what to expect. I learned to take a big breath and let go… of all expectations and all thoughts and just trust, feel, and see what came up. It was deeply relaxing and freeing, and every single time there was a major lesson in it for me. Through the hypnotherapy sessions I was able to heal my relationship with my brother, understand and forgive my parents, sit at the table with different versions of myself, explore past lives, dissolve non-serving soul contracts and so much more! I’ve had some major shifts begin in my life - especially around my parenting style and letting go of control, and also positive changes in my relationship with my husband. I’ve had a shift with my relationship with food too, and have been working towards finding my purpose through knowing and accepting who I am and what my gifts are.
The most profound learning on my journey.. I’m just so in awe of how healing my own self has impacted everyone around me, from my husband and children, to my parents, friends, neighbours and even work colleagues. It’s so powerful, and it’s so empowering, and just so exciting.
So, will I work with Kerrie again? Absolutely yes, 100%, hopefully sooner rather than later. I love her to bits. And you will too!!
Katie- QLD, Australia