Soul Realignment- For Children
Soul Session for your child or dependent
Service Description
A Soul Realignment reading will give you insights into your child's past lives and discover what blocks and restrictions are still playing out in their current incarnation. I also clear any unwanted negative energies or entities that may be attached to your child's Divine Soul Blueprint which may be hindering them from receiving Vital Life Force Energy from the Divine and stopping them from reaching their full potential in this lifetime. I also find out what Divine Gifts their Soul holds as well as what Soul group of origination they belong to. This gives you a better understanding of your child's attributes and personality traits as well as helping you direct them onto their correct life path, making your connection stronger with them. Soul Clearing is a part of the record reading and will give your child the opportunity to change their karma and bring abundance into their lives. However just clearing the records is not enough to make the energetic changes in the third dimension. You will need to take responsibility for them by doing their 21-day clearing affirmation homework, and help guide them to make choices in their life that are in line with their Divine Soul Blueprint. You will also receive a recording of the reading as well as a detailed report of their reading. $444AUD A child Soul Session can be done from 3 months of age up to 16 years. To book, please email me at: thewisdomofloves@gmail.com or press the Book Now button. Please email me if you're considering a family package as discounts apply.

Cancellation Policy
*Please note, I cannot start working on your reading until payment has been received.* *Please note that there are no refunds within 24hrs of me receiving your payment as I would have started working on your profile.* *If you need to reschedule our appointment it must be done at least 24hrs prior to our scheduled appointment time.*
Contact Details
Maroochydore QLD, Australia